- Entertainment
- shout
- oxygen supply
- leading man
- escort
- straight
what do people do at the showdrome
is a great place of entertainment in the world
how does meeka choose her clothes for her night out
I choose the wardrobe Computerised who is a friend where you are advised to wear a suit this environment according to the bone that does not harm the environmental
how many days a week can people use transport staff
only be used on Saturdays
how has pollution affected people's lives
affected both the a to the point that you can not leave without an oxygen supply
why does meeka ask for an escort home
because the place she lives there are people who steal to survive
because the place she lives there are people who steal to survive
sua meeka and friends who are normal people or perfect. while SSGs are people genetically not perfect and do not have jobs and steal to survive
look at this list of innovations meeka Which describe in the story
which ones do you think will really exist in the year 2100?
Computerised selection clothe I THINK THAT IF EXIST
anti-pollution body suits I THINK THAT IF EXIST
restrictions on the use of transport staff I THINK THAT IF EXIST
interactive virtual reality films I THINK THAT IF EXIST
genetically perfect people I'M NOT SURE
Good job, 4,5